provides consulting services associated with
the design, development and implementation of
the Town of Charlestown’s GIS system.
In 1999 MPS provided project management services
for the automation of the parcel maps, as a
two-phase project. Phase 1 involved selection
of the mapping contractor, QA/QC over the digitizing
of 6,000 parcels, linking to the Assessor’s
CAMA system, GIS system design and installation,
and ArcView training for the Town Planner and
Tax Assessor. Phase 2 developed an ArcView demonstration
project for Wastewater Management and URI MANAGE
In 2002 MPS was selected
to provide GIS services as part of the Charlestown
Wellhead Protection Project. MPS developed an
integrated GIS groundwater management application
using ArcView for the Town of Charlestown. Town
officials are able to interactively view, query
and analyse current zoning, existing known threats
to wellheads and identify potential new groundwater
threats on a parcel-by-parcel basis. MPS also
provided general GIS consulting services, training
and prepared the Charlestown Official Zoning