has been assisting with the Town of Richmond's
GIS Implementation since 2002.
assistance was in the form of GIS Project Management,
including QA/QC for the development of the town-wide
GIS Parcels and Zoning datasets. Other
support has included the preparation of the
Town of Richmond Official Zoning Map, a GIS
Buildout Analysis for the Richomond Affordable
Housing Plan, and GIS mapping for the Richmond
Comprehensive Community Plan 2006.
In 2007 MPS was again selected to provide GIS
services to the Town and Planning Board.
MPS provides annual updates to the GIS Parcels
data and linking to the VISION database, prepares
updated Assessor's Maps with Zoning, and ArcMap
training and on-call services. MPS is
currently working with the Town to provide more
frequent GIS updates to the Parcel mapping.